Gay Baths AIDS Community Care Montreal has introduced a new program. ATOM-c is an incentive & peer based strategy to promote HIV & STI testing among guys who have sex with other guys. They recently produced a new 90 second spot to promote a new campaign aimed at men having sex with men. Their mission is to gather ‘recruiters’, who in turn will encourage their friends to get regular HIV and STI testing.
Recruiters earn “points” for successfully getting boys to go get tested, and the rewards are rewards vary from Starbucks and Archambault gift certificates to prepaid Visa cards. Becoming a recruiter is really easy, you just need to attend one of the training sessions at the bathhouses running the program.
So a bunch of hot hunks, local porn stars and strip-club dancers were recruited to ‘act’ in this video, which was filmed at a Montreal bathhouse. Click the video below and judge for yourself if you like the video or you dislike it. An don’t forget to share this video with you friends. Who knows maybe it will spur other bathhouses to start up a program just like this. As getting an STI test is the best thing one can do.
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