Laura Hanrahan has written an article about the businesses that were the subject of the infamous bathhouse raids in the 1980s. Dubbed “Operation Soap,” – the cops burst into four bathhouses simultaneously raided making multiple arrests under Canada’s “bawdy house” laws.
Businesses raided galvanized the gay community in Canada – and thus became this country’s “Stonewall” movement.
So what happened to the four raided bathhouses in question? Did they stay in business? The answer is no. All four are no longer operational. Just like every urban metropolis, real estate is at a premium. No surprise where bathhouses once stood, has been replaced by condominiums.
The one exception is Club Toronto, now a straight swingers club. I’ve written about the fall of Club Toronto here
During and after the pandemic, many bathhouses shuttered. But there are still three bathhouses in Toronto – Spa Excess, Steamworks Toronto, and Splash Steam and Sauna. Of the three, only Spa Excess seems committed to keeping its doors open. There is some question as to whether Steamworks or Splash will remain in business in the next few years. Only time will tell.
For more read Laura Hanrahan article What Happened To The Sites Of The Infamous Toronto Bathhouse Raids?
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