Edinburgh gay mens’ sauna “The Pound” launches £50k fundraiser in desperate bid to survive the pandemic
From their Go Fund Me page – if you wish to donate to this fundraiser here.
Lockdown has had a HUGE impact on the business in terms of depleting finances that would have taken the venue into the future from here. Although we’ve been working hard over the past year to improve the venue we could not have seen the impacts of Covid19 and how they would affect our business or any business for that matter in such a hard way.
The venue has been closed since March 20th 2020 however despite being closed there are still HUGE outgoings to keep the building usable for the future. The venue still has to pay Gas Rates, Water Rates and Electrical Bills which are standard commercial rates as well as phonelines, Internet and other business related outgoings such as staff wages and mortgage of the property.
The venue needs help in order to survive the lockdown and as Edinburgh’s last gay male sauna we are asking for your help!
This is the home of Edinburgh’s gay male sauna, a safe space to exist. We offer NHS sexual health advice and testing, a warm and safe environment to meet others and have done since day one of the business. We want to continue to do this for many years to come offering a clean safe space to be who you want to be. A place to meet up, talk with others, meet new friends and relax all while being yourself. We will aim to stay afloat as best we can however are calling now for your help to survive this pandemic.
It’s not been an easy ride since day one with a steam room collapsing literally the day before we get the keys, to the upper floor café space floor collapsing . But we have pushed through all of that. Yes we have faced some hardships since opening due to the previous owner and a neglectful running of the building and we have been fighting hard to restore something that is not only clean and fresh but also calming and friendly. Can you help us continue to operate for many years to come?
As our building is currently closed, there’s no income for the business and the future is limited, to add to our frustration the furlough schemes have ended meaning we now face steep costs to keep employees and the business month on month as well as our bills. We are looking to raise £50,000 to take us through to April 2021 and cover expenditures listed above. We’d love to see you on the other side but without your help a bright future looks I’m possible.
We are looking to raise £50,000 in total in order to be able to be open in April 2021, however every little Penny we can save as business owners and raise from the generosity and kindness of our supporters at this stage goes a very long way!
Can you spare as little as £5.00 and help to save Edinburgh’s only Gay sauna?
We may need to make some saddening and difficult decisions in order to save the venue from closure and minimise expenditures during this period of time (November to April) and will post regular updates as to our decisions during this time and moving forwards.
As a result of Crowdfunding we will aim to publish spending of funds raised for our donors to be able to see where the funds are going once raised.
This is for clarity and openness of the business and our supporters at this time.
£50,000 is a large amount of money to need to raise setting this as a target we understand is steep but that is the reality in business nowadays. We’d usually Make this money through entry fee’s. Why not support us by donating an entry fee? Every penny is going to help us save the venue.
We are very much aware of that. £50,000 is our best case scenario in which we can keep and re-employ all staff for paid work (Even when closed), Save Jobs and prepare for an April 2021 opening.
Raising just £20,000 in this to this fundraiser would allow us to push forwards with holding an empty venue until that date but with no staff wages and very minimal maintenance etc while closed.
Again if you wish to donate to this fundraiser go here.
See also Gay Spa & Bathhouses Re-Open In UK
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