Alexander Cheves (Sex & Dating columnist for “The Advocate”) has written a piece for Pride.com entitled “10 Simple Tips for Your First Bathhouse Experience” These are simple steps you can take to make sure that first time bathhouse visit goes according to plan.
He suggests the following 10 tips
Bring cash.
Bring flip-flops.
Bring a draw-string bag.
Pack a douche and some lube. (If you bottom, include your douche and lube in that draw-string bag.)
Don’t share drinks. (Don’t take sips of anyone’s Gatorade)
Be careful with drugs.
Be nice. (Don’t be rude when guys you’re not interested in flirt with you)
Sex isn’t required. (You don’t actually have to have sex.)
Be open. (Keep an open mind.)
Don’t go alone. (Bring a friend.)
These ten rules are explained in more detail. Go to 10 Simple Tips for Your First Bathhouse Experience to read these 10 rules in more detail. Trust me, it is a vert good read. I should know as I know the bathhouse culture both inside out. One last rule, have a great time at your first visit to the gay baths! Don’t forget to leave a comment below if you have any questions, concerns or queries about that first bathhouse experience.
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