With the terrible news coming out of Egypt, the folks at Advocate decided to highlight the incredibly rich history the baths have had.
Titled #TBT: Back to the Baths, the magazine presents as series of images that explores the rich, moist beginnings of the gay bathhouse history. Such as the image below. The classic movie Spartacus, where Sir Laurence Olivier cruises John Gavin.
As Christopher Harrity writes in The Advocate:
Everything is so out in the open now. It wasn’t always that way. Gay bars had mysterious names like Incognito and the Mask — and they rarely had windows. Now there are fewer and few bars in big cities. Everybody is online, hooking up and dropping out of gay locations. Bathhouses are in decline as well, often seen as centers for illicit drug use and transmission points of STIs. The bathhouse has had a long, storied history as not only a place of sexual assignation but a cultural hub and a man-only space (sorry, Bette). Let’s take a trip down the slippery tiles of Memory Lane — be careful not to fall in the wet areas!
Go to the link below and as the article states, let’s take a trip down the slippery tiles of Memory Lane with the gay bathhouse history. But be careful not to fall in the wet areas!
Go to TBT: Back to the Baths
I hope there’s a picture of me back when I was a hottie in the tubs.