Male lawyer lost a lawsuit against Google after the Google Maps geolocation system indicated he spent about 10 minutes in a gay sauna while returning home from work. The man asked for compensation of about $4,000 in damages.
According to the lawyer, his wife had access to his device and saw he was at the Brazilian establishment “Hotel Chille Pepper – Sauna Gay” (according to Google Maps) on July 12, 2019.
In his lawsuit, the lawyer claimed to have suffered “direct damage to personality rights”, “since he endured constraints that went beyond the marital sphere, since he was offended in his honor, as well as humiliated before his family and friends, due to the information fake”.
Judge Claudia Ferreira sided with the tech company because the mapping could only show an “approximate location” and does not intend to “accurately indicate” a person has entered a location.
The lawyer representing Google said the unnamed lawyer had chosen to share the information with his wife – adding
“The timeline generated by Google Maps is private, precisely to avoid situations of undue exposure regarding the privacy/intimacy of users.”
“Even if the Plaintiff’s assertion that he has never been to that location is true (a controversial fact), the conflict deals with an extremely complex issue that may have been originated by numerous factors.”
Read more at Bloke tries to sue Google Maps after it showed him at gay sauna – and his wife saw
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