Cops in Edinburgh, Scotland are cracking down on the underground sex trade industry. First stop, the Edinburgh sauna scene. In March of this year, there was a series of raids covering half of Edinburgh’s 13 saunas. These businesses that were busted had their licenses suspended. Some were allowed to reopen after appealing the decision.
To read what the cops found go to Police reveal seedy details of Edinburgh saunas
But that is just the start. The cops are now making an official request to city council that all licensed saunas not to provide condoms. Essentially banning condoms from all bathhouses. The thinking is that a readily available condom keeps the sex trade in these saunas alive.
Of course the argument against that thinking is that you can buy condoms anywhere; a drug store, a bathroom, even a bar. And it won’t stop sex in a Edinburgh sauna. It would just increase unsafe sex at the baths.
To read more go to Edinburgh police demand condom ban in saunas
UPDATE City councilors renewed the public entertainment licenses of all five in a public hearing.
They also threw out most of the additional conditions police asked for, including a demand that “no items of a sexual nature” should be on the premises.