This dude stole my title! Just kidding. Bathhouse Blues is my site that explains the ins and outs of gay bathhouse life and gay baths experience. This site here is my sister site, for bathhouse news from around the world.
Luis Blasini is a writer with a cult following. He has written books about homelessness, drugs, social outcasts, the downtrodden and much more. In addition he has a world-renowned blog called Borrowed Flesh, which was is the title of one of his books.
Anyways Luis wrote a blog posting about a recent gay baths experience, entitled Bathhouse Blues. The name of my own site! I don’t have a patent on the name, but I thought I would mention his blog posting here.
He writes
I haven’t been to a bath house in quite a while. I felt not only a little ashamed but also self conscious of my white, pale body. As I walked through the dingy corridors searching for a cubicle to get undressed and set my stuff, the few patrons in the building were so brown and fit. Or at least, that was how I saw them.
I located a small room near the back. It had a cot which was falling apart. The yellowish foam was bursting out of the ripped seams. Several hooks on a white-tiled wall which was covered in lewd graffiti in a language I didn’t really understand. The light was not from the sole fixture up near the mildew encased ceiling, but from the row of glass bricks which ran above the cot. The entire room smelled of damp clothes, bleach, and sweat.
To read more of Luis bathhouse adventure go to Borrowed Flesh-Bathhouse Blues
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