Travel writer/editor Dave Acton is one of the editors of the phrasebook The Gay Translator: Love + Hookups in 7 Languages.
He has recently contributed a blog post to the travel blog site Tripatini. Reviewing the best gay saunas in Europe. This first blog post focuses on Western Europe. To read his reviews go to Best Gay Saunas in Europe, Part 1. I would assume part two is coming.
In fact he writes
As many gay men are well aware, Western Europe can be a paradise for homo hook-ups. Yeah, there are a gayzillion bars and clubs, even in many of the smaller cities and towns, and it seems everybody and his daddy’s online these days. But another big reason is because more than any other continent in the world, the landmass that gave rise to Casanova, Don Juan and the Marquis de Sade along with Adolf Hitler and Benny Rats (er, Josef Ratzinger—you know, the Vatican’s creepy old queen in the white dress and red Prada pumps, aka Pope Benedict) is chock full of sometimes elaborate bath houses that attract a wide range of dudes, including some of the very hottest.
In the meantime click the Grupo Pases saunas link to see promotional video advertising what in Spain offers.
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