On a recent episode of the Showtime series Homeland, a recent scene took place in a D.C. bathhouse. But we hardly saw anything!
A Saudi diplomat was secretly filmed entering a Washington, DC bathhouse. The filming continued inside, recording all the naughty stuff this diplomat did while at the gay baths.
The gathered spies view the footage and Saul remarks, “As you can see, he’s a naughty boy.” So it is decided to extract information about the terrorist plot by blackmailing him for being gay. “Being gay in Saudi Arabia is like being the antichrist here,” Saul says.
All the sex action was implied, not shown. But what happens next? According to NewNowNext
When ultimately Carrie confronts Al Sahrani and threatens to expose the bathhouse pictures, the predictable story is upended when he spits back, “Go ahead. Tell everyone you want. Tell them all, I don’t care. I suck c—k! And I love it! Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy!”
Okay, I did not see that coming. Al Sahrani goes on to say his wives already know. “Put me on CNN. I’ll admit to everything.”
Score one for the strong gay character.
Click “Homeland”’s Surprising Down Low Saudi Reveal at NewNowNext to read how it all went down.
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