Aquarius Bathhouse Goes Co-Ed 24/7

Aquarius Bathhouse Goes Co-Ed 24/7
Aquarius Bathhouse Goes Co-Ed 24/7

Article from the Winnipeg Free Press that is profiling the Aquarius Bathhouse. The big news is that this bathhouse is going co-ed 24/7. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday will be totally co-ed. Men only nights will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Says Assistant manager Al Simmonds who started off doing only Tuesday nights as co-ed

“The response was overwhelming. Then I tried Thursday nights — overwhelming again!”

Now he’s gone to Saturdays and Sundays as well. “I had to stop at four days or my gay customers would feel I was abandoning them.”

As for the clientele, “Over the years we’ve had doctors, lawyers, politicians, policemen, hockey players, football players, and housewives,” says Simmonds, “We get a lot of married people, especially on Saturday nights; most have a good marriage but want extra excitement.”

Its owner, Somchai “Chai” Pengpharsuks, says

“I don’t do this for the money. I do it because I love this place and I love making the people happy. It is fun and it keeps me young. I could retire tomorrow. I have a house back in Thailand, but I love Winnipeg!”

“Marriages have been saved by Aquarius because life became too boring at home. Here, they break the routine!”

To read more click to Good, clean fun

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