The Brighton Sauna in the UK is going to be one of the first bathhouses in the world to offer the rapid HIV test. Funded by the HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT), the Rapid HIV test will be offered once a week and will use the modern finger-prick blood tests to offer men results within one hour.
A fully trained staff from THT will be on hand to provide the bathhouse patrons with information and counselling before and after the test. If anyone receives a reactive result, they will be referred to a specialist clinic for further testing. THT will also provide free condoms, along with information and advice on sexual health on the premises.
Jason Warriner, Clinical Director for THT, said:
“We know most gay men in Brighton & Hove are aware of the benefits of regular testing, which is why it is concerning that a fifth of them remain untested for HIV. Some men may not want to visit a traditional sexual health clinic, for whatever reason, but it is still important they know their HIV status.
“Advances in testing mean we can now bring our testing services to the places men are; we don’t have to wait for them to come to us. We’re very grateful to The Brighton Sauna for giving us this opportunity, and hope it will encourage more men to come forward for testing.”
Adam Bailey, General Manager at The Brighton Sauna, said:
“We are extremely proud to be able to offer some space for THT to operate this testing service, as we recognise the discretion issues that some people face when confronted with a hard decision to visit a clinic. We wish THT success with it and hope it fills a gap, and helps our customers to stay safe and look after their health. We have always respected our customers’ privacy and understand how delicate things like this can be.”
For more on this story about Rapid HIV test go to THT to offer rapid HIV testing at The Brighton Sauna
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