Former Vice-President Joe Biden went on a rather bizarre rant about bathhouses when answering a question about racial disparities in health. This took place at CNN Equality Town Hall, where Biden and the rest of the Democratic field were pitching their message to voters.
During his answer, Biden went off his talking point and reached back in the past with the swinging 70s of free love. Which included a mention of gay bathhouses.
“Remember, Anderson? Back 15, 20 years ago, when we talked about this in San Francisco, it was all about, well, gay bathhouses,” he told moderator Anderson Cooper.
“It was all about round-the-clock sex. Come on, man. Gay couples are more likely to stay together longer than heterosexual couples.”
Many were outraged by the comments made by Joe Biden. One person tweeted
Listen I would have been fine going my entire life without hearing Joe Biden day “gay bathhouses! Round the clock sex!” but here we are. Anyways, go to a bathhouse and have as much sex as you want. Queer liberation doesn’t mean monogamy! – Phillip Picardi (@pfpicardi)
But if it was a headline Biden wanted, he got them. Saturday Night Live did a spoof the following week, so any publicity is good publicity.
Watch the video below
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