Hepatitis C is seen as a serious infection. Quite a few gay men have had it in recent years. The possibility of getting it (again) is a concern to many men. That’s why a group started the NoMoreC campaign. Their long-term goal: no new Hep C infections among gay men in Amsterdam. In addition they want to
Increase awareness of and knowledge about hepatitis C among gay men, nurses and doctors
Encourage regular and timely testing in order to detect infections as early as possible by offering for example a reliable and easy-to-use test that can be done at home
Shorten the time period between diagnosis and treatment
Make the process of warning partners run smoothly
Offer tailored advice to help men reduce their risk of getting hepatitis C
Go to This gay bathhouse wants ‘NoMoreC’ in Amsterdam to read more about the relationship between the baths and raising awareness on Hep C
For more information about this campaign go to their website NoMoreC
NoMoreC was developed in collaboration with members of Amsterdam’s gay community, who were involved in everything: from appearing in photographs and instruction videos, and providing testimonials, to advising the cartoonist. From assembling the Toolbox to testing the website. And from developing the promotional material used in spreading the message to the selfless participation of commercial organisations within the community. This project could not have been realised without the community’s help and co-operation. We have listened carefully to the advice of all of these men, and will continue to do so in order to make NoMoreC even better and carry on our work together in reducing the number of hepatitis C infections in our city.
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