Chicago Man’s Country Set To Close

Chicago Man’s Country Set To Close
Photo By Owen Keehnen

Well nothing lasts forever. After 43 years of operation the owner of Chicago Man’s Country is throwing in the white towel. At 87 its owner Chuck Renslow seems to have had enough saying:

“The place is holding its own, but it is just getting to be too much for me,”

The only thing he will probably miss are the people. And contrary to popular belief, he feels bathhouses are still going strong. As for next steps Renslow says

“Someone could buy us in a month or it could be a year. I have no idea when we will eventually close,” he said. “In the meantime, we are still open. They’ll probably tear it down and put in condos. Land is premium in Andersonville and Man’s Country occupies a lot of land.”

“Back in its heyday, it was something,” he said. “One time I did a survey and asked our members why they came to Man’s Country, only 20 percent said for the sex. A large part of the rest came to see the shows and have fun and to be with other gay men. Being with each other, that’s what was so much fun.”

Among the celebrities who visited Man’s Country over the years, Rudolf Nureyev, Paul Lynde and Wayland Flowers (along with Madame!)

For more read Man’s Country for sale: Not your everyday piece of real estate

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