UK Bathhouse tips. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) is a vibrant charity based in Manchester providing a wide range of services to over 40,000 lesbian, gay and bisexual people each year.
Recently they have started producing LGF Quickies! A collection of short videos, aimed at gay and bisexual men, about sexual health.
In one episode they head to H20 Sauna, to give tips to those who are unaware of how to handle oneself in a bathhouse. There are some pretty good tips given out. They write
It’s great to see that members of our community show such a passion for the safety and well-being of their peers. It’s always necessary to highlight what the dangers actually are with regards to any kind of public sex but while this is contained in a safe, warm, staffed environment (like a sauna) then surely there has to be a preference for this as opposed to outdoor ‘public area’ cruising which can have heightened levels of risk, both with regards to personal safety and the law. There are of course dangers associated with substance misuse as well as the risks of unprotected sex but it is important to remember that these dangers are present just as much in any other environment if this activity is being engaged in. In our experience there is little risk with entering a sauna and using the facilities. As a health and wellbeing charity we campaign extensively around the importance of proper condom use, risk reduction methods with regards to STIs and HIV and we highlight the potential risks of substances and their usage. We also stand by our mission statement of empowering people. This means allowing them to make decisions around the activities they wish to partake in and we support them and encourage them to do this safely.
So watch the video below and enjoy these UK Bathhouse tips!
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