Who Says Guys Don’t Like The Gay Baths?

The Gay Baths

Silly this continually bashing of the gay baths. Who says only desperate guys do to them? Not these guys. Love it or hate it?

Maybe in America people are too puritanical. In Europe and Canada there is a much more open-mindedness to this type of sexual activity. As the gay saunas flourish in those countries. Still not convinced? Well how about this.

On a recent chat app, the subject of the gay baths came up. And what a response! One guy says “I have gained so much confidence going to bathhouses. I know people rag on then but I feel like I finally accept who I am.”

Another guy said “Seeing guys at the bathhouse inspired me to lose a little bit of weight, I didn’t realize I would feel this much better about how I looked.”

Third guy said, “I love treating myself to a trip to the bathhouse…It’s an ego boost to know men still gine me attractive even though I’m old.”

See for yourself by going to Guys Reveal Their Best And Worst Bathhouse Experiences. And then read the additional comments below! For those detractors of the gay tubs, you will be quiet surprised by the number of positive comments about a gay bathhouse.

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