Bathhouse Customer was found lying dead in a rented room at the H20 Sauna in Manchester England. The irony of this is that he was discovered two hours earlier by a cleaner and nothing was done.
When the bathhouse attendant first encountered this patron, it was assumed he was sleeping. Even though he was lying in a pool of his own feces. So the attendant cleaned him up, sprayed aerosol in the room and left
Two hours later a second attendant came upon the customer, with the realization he was not showing any vital signs
An autopsy would later show the customer had died of high levels of a party drug amphetamine. In addition to caffeine in his system and a pre-existing heart condition.
An inquest is being held to see if this death could have been prevented. Though the coroner said it is unclear when he had died, and if he could have been saved when first discovered.
The inquest is also looking into the health and safety aspect of this particular sauna. The coroner testified he observed blood on the walls and faeces and urine in the sauna area.
In response H20 Sauna assured the inquest new health and safety measures have been placed. Needles (used to inject into penises for erections) and bodily waste and now being disposed into clinical bags. In addition separate cleaning equipment is used for the sauna and kitchen areas.
To read more go to Manchester Gay Village sex sauna slammed for filthy conditions after man lies DEAD in own feces for hours.
UPDATE Follow-up article here Drink, drugs and dangerous sex: Truth behind UK gay sex saunas after man lies dead in faeces at Manchester venue.
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