The Wet Book: Stories from the Bathhouse. The title pretty much says it all. The author, Joel McVie, writes in his blog that “This is a collection of blog entries featuring my bathhouses experiences. I blogged about them because the incidents had funny, memorable or out-of-the-ordinary moments that lifted them above the usual hot-steamy-sex-then-forget-about-him-and-go-home experiences one has in such places.” Really an interesting read.
Joel explains his purpose for writing the book
“So, why make this book? This collection has a lot of sex in it, and I think sex should have a lot more humor to it. Or rather, people should have a more relaxed view of sex. Sex can be as secret or as sleazy as one wants it to be. Let us not put it on a pedestal, or hide it inside our closets. Let us celebrate it. Let us have safe fun. And what’s safer than reading about sex?”
To read more about his book click Asia Writes Blogspot which is written by Joel McVie
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